Ranveer Singh & Deepika Padukone taking marriage advice from Virushka?
For as long as we can remember, rumor mills have been abuzz with the pieces of news regarding the much-awaited wedding of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s current favourites, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone. While many instances and public sightings of the two, with their family members or otherwise, do point towards a marriage definitely being on the cards, there has probably been no definite answer to the “When” and “Where” part of it.
Probably until now.
A source, who claims to be a friend to the Padmaavat pair was quoted saying, “Ranveer and Deepika are getting married this November. The preparations have begun and they could in all probability have a destination wedding in Italy.”
The source further added, “Deepika and Ranveer don’t want excessive media glare on their marriage. Earlier on, there was talk that the Switzerland government was keen to host their wedding. Ranveer is the brand ambassador for Swiss Tourism. So, a section of the media kept this theory alive. However, now we hear that the superstar couple wants an exotic location for their D-Day and this time around, the Italian government, too, has shown interest in their marriage.”
Now, it’s quite possible that the two might have thought over or are acting upon the idea of consulting their fellow mates Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli, given how they chose to tie the knot. We mean, that’s not entirely impossible, right? If the wedding is supposed to be in Italy, there are pretty high chances of them asking someone who has, quite literally, been there and done that.
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