Love Sonia: Man Donates 8 Lakhs For The Cause Of Helping Trafficked Girls
Richa Chadha has been riding the success wave since her role as Madhuri in Love Sonia has been receiving innumerable praise and love. The actress who plays a sex worker has been receiving love from fans and critics alike about her role in the Tabrez Noorani directorial venture that delves into the heartbreaking life of the global flesh trade.
Ever since audiences have gotten a chance to watch Love Sonia in theatres across India, Richa has been receiving emails and letters in person and on social media from NGO workers who work with victims of trafficking, a few victims themselves, men and women who had no idea this even happened have all been reaching out and thanking Richa on her role.
But one such message that caught Richa’s eye and captured her heart was from a friend, Priyanka Halli who is the Chief Medical Officer of an organization which helps children rescued from trafficking. They raise funds or the case of rehabilitation of such children and help rescue efforts. She expressed her gratitude to Richa to help make awareness available through films like Love Sonia, because upon watching the film a leader of a firm in Mumbai made a generous donation of 8 Lakhs to the organization to help them in their efforts.
Richa said, “This is the reason we do what we do as actors. A lot of press asked me why I agreed to do a supporting role in a film. But after my friend who helps raise finds for trafficked girls and women, it made me realize that its sometimes compassion that drives us as artists.”
Priyanka Halli, the Chief Medical Officer of Emancipation and friend of Richa’s, said, “Noorani’s “Love Sonia” is a painfully realistic portrayal of one girl’s story. But there are more than a million stories of children trafficked into, out of and through our country for sexual exploitation. As an organization that seeks to protect and heal children who have faced such horrors, EmancipAction is unable to share the stories of the girls we work with – and thus, raising the support necessary to help them heal and transform their lives can be difficult. We are grateful to the team of Love Sonia for compelling others to join the fight against child sex trafficking.In fact, after the movie premiered in Mumbai we received a generous contribution of 8 lakhs from the leader of local business who said that the movie helped to understand why Emancip Action’s trauma care intervention is so important for these children”
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